Case Study

Kingskerswell Primary School

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Steven Bailey
School Type
School Money

School Overview

Kingskerswell C of E Primary School is a supportive and welcoming school community with lots going on. We have a wonderful learning environment which says, “You’re worth it!” to our children and staff- both indoors and outdoors.

“The children are central to all we do; we are highly committed to providing times for them all to shine, both in and out of the classroom. Our creative and inspiring curriculum offers plenty of opportunity for challenge and success, underpinned by our high expectations and Christian Values.”

The assignment: Take catering in-house for the benefits of our students

We had moved away from our catering company and taken catering in house, this had given us more control over our students’ meals and allergy prevention as we know for sure there isn’t any cross-contamination with our produce.

How did SchoolMoney fit in at the school?

SchoolMoney is by far the most advanced and organised system we’ve come across so far. We are easily able to manage all kinds of payments from; clubs, dinners, trips, uniform and much more. Where we have seen the biggest improvement is with organising school meals. Parent can log in and pick from the termly menu, they’re notified when they need to book meals and when they are nearing the end of their top up credit.

Reconciling payments

We are able to run reports to reconcile payments, keeping on top of debt which can quickly accumulate sometimes.

Excellent support

The support over the phone has been excellent, they’re able to help with any issues, changes or updates when we have needed to make them and they respond really quickly when needed.

An outstanding school payments system with outstanding support, and great value for money!